Monday, September 6, 2010

$160 Million??

Firefighters, cops and teachers. These three professions make up the back bone of civilization. No police, anarchy. No firefighters, no protection from fires. No teachers, ignorance. But if there was no football, would society fall apart? Would anarchy reign supreme? I think no.

Now do not misunderstand, I do not begrudge that cornerback from the Jets for making his money. I have an issue with those making it We watch the news where a QB from the Steelers is accused of sexual misconduct but we buy his jersey. A Ravens LB allegedly murders two people in Fla and the case gets tossed out but we buy the jersey. We say they are overpaid but we buy tickets, jerseys and pay to see the games on TV. But let a politician raise a tax to pay cops or firefighters more...or to hire more teachers and watch the sparks fly.

Is is possible that we need to rethink our priorities as a nation? Unemployment and crime are up, and graduation rates are down. But try to get a ticket for a Redskins, Steelers or Ravens game and they are sold out.

When did you actually eat dinner as a family that was prepared at home? When did you ask your child how school was and really listen to their answer? But I'll bet you know the pre-season record of the NFL team that you follow!

I guess that shows were our priorities as a nation are.